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..  |P a g e (  ) 6                         issue 11- September 2019                                    ELITE

                              Why War? Einstein-Freud

                              Correspondence                                      meen Alaa-Eldin , Fourth Year, Political Science
                                                                              * * *     Y Y Ya a as s sm me ee en n   A Al la aa a- -E El ld di in n   , ,   F Fo ou ur rt th h   Y Ye ea ar r, ,   P Po ol li it ti ic ca al l   S Sc ci ie en nc ce e

    After talking about the Freud‟s multidimensional man in his lecture on   examine the feelings of these communities, we will see a society that
  psychoanalysis and removing the mystery around the human motivations   feels united and socially solid. At the same time because of their wars,
  which are not only sexual motivations because of "survival instinct" but   either at the level of the ruling class who describe themselves as being
  also aggressive motivations as a result of "death instinct", so the great   beyond the limits of the law employed to justify the use of violence .. .
  physicist  Albert  Einstein  uncovered  his  passion  for  reading   That‟s  why  we  can  repeat  it  for  the  second  time;  anyone  has  two
  psychoanalysis of Freud in many letters that he sent to him in 1933 and   active  instincts  that  keep  him  alive  and  make  him  tend  towards
  he explained that he can't think about will, feelings, the instinctive life of   aggressiveness  and  destruction.  These  instincts  are  mixed  with  the
  human and psychological difficulty a man may have .  Because all we   human  soul  but  they  are  in  a  continuous  conflict  it  ends  through
  mentioned Einstein wanted to know why wars start and how they end..   “aggressive action instinct”. The rulers use this complicated instincts to
  and how could brute powers succeed in stimulating enthusiasm to make   reach idealism through this active instincts in order to active the fighting
  people sacrifice their lives in wars? It‟s true everyone has the desire of   instinct against enemies in wars, so this force him to sacrifice his life and
  hate and destruction, as Freud mentioned, that‟s why he can choose this   overcome survival instinct that formed him.
  way but this emotion exists in extraordinary conditions which are called
  mass psychosis. However soldiers choose this because they believe they   The only way to prevent wars from happening especially civil wars is
  are defending the high interests and the best way to deter enemies is to   to reduce death desire as it‟s the main reason for instincts that encourage
  attack them. We can use this case to explain international wars but what   fighting in order to survive, all of these we mentioned turn from inside
  about civil wars?                                            the  person  to  the  outside  world;  we  won‟t  do  that  by  suppressing
                                                               aggressive conflicts -as Bolsheviks did and they failed- but we will do
    Freud received this letter from Einstein and wrote to him explanatory   that by using anti agent which is “Eros” in order to create relations and
  answers  to  these  questions  where  he  explained  war,  whether  civil  or   spread good feelings among people in the society- this is the same role
  international by understanding the relationship between power and right   of  religions  as  it  uses  the  same  language;  for  example  “  love  your
  . right  came here  in  the  sense  of  the  law-;  where  conflicting interests   relative  the  same  way  you  love  yourself”-  those  feelings  need  to  be
  between  the  conflicting  parties  who  resort  use  violence  while  using   identified  in  the  human  society.  There  is  no  result  of  cutting  these
  weapons to exclude the other - like the conflict in the animal kingdom -   mutual  relations  that‟s  why  you,  many  people  and  I  are  strongly
  the result of that conflict will be the victory of one party over the other   opposing wars as we can‟t accept it as a part of our life that we should
  by  slaughtering  the  enemy  -  a  human  instinctive  nostalgia  -  or  by   adapt  to  and  it‟s  a  normal  phenomenon  as  it‟s  a  biological  instinct.
  breaking  its  power  and  humiliating  it  through  oppression,  and  then   Stopping these wars requires cultural changes to reduce the aggressive
  comes  the  force  The  New  Superior  Victory.  It  will  perpetuate  brutal   instinctive motivations that drive people to start wars. This also requires
  violence, but it will take a new course that legitimizes this violence by   explaining  the  destruction  that  will  happen  as  results  of  wars  in  the
  using the law as the representative of all parties agreeing with it . But in   future so we should focus on the love instinct and spread it in the society
  fact it is far from it - this lawful violence will be used by the new brute   to move forward to happiness and to live without conflicts.
  force in power. Those who triumph among the new superior power will
  seek power, authority violence and an endless cycle of war, but if we                  Revised and Translated by : Salma Bayoumi

       .. |P a g e (  6  )                         issue 11- September 2019                                    ELITE
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