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                                                               planning   programs,   which  could   help  in  overcoming   s  uch  socio-
                                                               economic problems.
                                                               She added that the largest changes in the rate of p  overty occurred
                                                               in   the   period   from   2008   to   2011   and   from   2015   to   20  17,   and
                                                               these  two  periods   were   accompanied  by   a  significant     increase  in
                                                               prices.   In   the   first   period,   there   were   many   crises     such   as   the
                                           COVER PHOTO                   and   the  second  crisis,   which   led   to   an   in  by  crease  the

                                                               floatation   of   the  Egyptian   pound,   prices   doubled  by   about   65%,
                                                               and the poverty rate increased by about 4.7%, due t  o the family  ’s
                                                               inability  to  keep  pace  with  the  wave  of  rising  price  s  and  meeting
                                                               its   basic   needs,   which   ultimately   made   the   poverty   r  ate   reach
                                                               32.5%,  in  addition  to  the  rise  of  some  families  By   adapting  itself
                                                               to   the  current  circumstances  by   sending  its   childre  n   to   the   labor
                           Holi                 da         y Rul                    es          of   som  e  informal
                            Holi                 da          y Rul                   es
                                                               jobs.   Despite   the   economic   programs   and   efforts   made     by   the
                                                               state,   such   as   the   launch   of   social   solidarity   progr  ams,   the
                                        Article title
           And  about  our  desire  to  know  to  whom  Prof.  Heba   Al-Leithy  poverty rate is still high.
           is   grateful,   she   answered   that   after   her   return   from   England
                                                               Regarding   her   supremacy  ’s   opinion   on   the   contribution   of   the
           and   obtaining   a   PhD,   she   was   working   in   the   field   of   Pure
                                                               Corona  crisis  to   the  rise   in  poverty  rates,  she   repl  ied   explaining
           statistics,   but  thanks   to   Dr.   Hanaa   Khair   El-Din,   she   went   to
                                                               that  the  poverty  rate  currently  measured  is  the  pov  erty  rate  index
           work   on   applied   statistics,   questionnaires  and   surveys,   which
                                AUTHOR   NAME  &   info
                                                               until   March   2020,   so   it   concerns   the   period   before   the   Corona
           made   her   completely   transform   in   terms   of   studying   living
                                                               crisis,   as   mobilization   and   census   surveys   stopped   since   the
           standards,  poverty   and   education  in  Egypt.   This  is  due  to  her
                                                               beginning   of   the   crisis.   But   they   were   able   to   condu  ct   some
           great gratitude to Dr. Hana.
                                                               Surveys   by   phone   and   77%  of   households   say   that   their    income
                                                               has   decreased   due   to   the   crisis;   some   of   them   said   that   the
           Because   of   Prof.   Heba   Al-Leithy'   s   name   has   always   been
                                                               number   of   their   working   hours   decreased,   or   that   th  ey   worked
           linked   to   poverty   studies,   she   told   us   more   about   her  role   in
                                                               intermittently,   while   others   said   that   they   were   co  mpletely
           the   Poverty   Report   2020   and   the   reduction   in   poverty   rates,
                                                               suspended   from   work   and   that   their   activity   had   comp  letely
           explaining  that   she   began  with  Dr.   Hanaa   Khair  El-Din   since
           1990   in   using   income,   expenditure   and   livelihood
           measurements   and   surveys   to   measure   the   level   of   poverty,
                                                               In   the  context   of   the   question   about   the   policies   followed   to
           and they found that the opportunity is provided in order to use
                                                               overcome   the   Corona  crisis,  and   how  to  overcome   it   without
           the  tables  and  data  of  these  surveys   and  measures   to  draw  out
                                                               affecting   poverty   rates,   Dr.   Heba   Ali   emphasized   that   what
           poverty   studies.   With   her   clarification   of   what   is   known   as
                                                               we  currently   suffer  from  high  poverty  rates  is   not  only  due  to
           "material   poverty",   which   is   the   lack   of   sufficient   material
                                                               the  Corona   crisis,   but   rather   is   the   result   of  the  accumulation
           resources  to  meet  the  basic  needs  of   the  family.  And  then,  the
                                                               of  many  events   in  the  pre-crisis  period.  The   Corona  crisis  has
           emergence   of   what   is   known   as   "multidimensional   poverty"
                                                               clarified   and   highlighted   the   problems   that   cause   poverty   as
           and   includes   the   human   inability   to   obtain   good   education,
                                                               well   as   those   resulting   from   it,   such   as   the   absence   of
           good health or good sanitation.
                                                               insurance.   Her   supremacy   stated,   according   to   Dr.   "Judah
                                                               Abdel   Khaleq",   that   we   should   not   rely   on   the   rentier
              From   her  point   of  view,   she   believes  that   “material   poverty  ”
                                                               economy   in   Egypt,   but   we   must   rely   on   the   productive
           and   “multidimensional   poverty  ”   are   interrelated,   and   each
                                                               economy,   because   the   rentier   economy   cannot   be   controlled
           affects   the   other.   The   lack   of   materialism   leads   to   the
                                                               when   it  occurs.  Crises,   since  it   depends   on   external   sources,
           disappearance   of   education,   job   opportunities,   health,
                                                               so   from   her   point   of   view,   we   will   be   more   successful   and
           sanitation   and   others,   and   vice   versa.   Likewise,   poverty   is
                                                               safe   in   overcoming  the  Corona   crisis  only  if   our   economy  is
           multidimensional,   which   has   causes   other   than   material
                                                               more   productive   than   rentier.   She   added   that   while   talking
           poverty,   so   it   is   not   a   momentary   measure.   Therefore,   when
                                                               about   ways   to   overcome   the   problem   of   poverty   in   general,
           setting  policies,   the   government  should   take   into  account   the
                                                               we   must   work   on   economic   growth,   developing   formal
           concepts   of   poverty,   for   example,   there   are   those   who   learn
                                                               employers, creating decent job opportunities, providing social
           and  find   no   job   opportunity   later  on  and   there   are   those  who
                                                               and health insurance, insurance of agricultural crops and other
           do  not  learn  and  in  turn   add   a   new   burden  on  the  job   market.
                                                               social and sustainable development strategies.
           She  also   mentioned  in  her  talk   about  the  relationship  between
           the  number  of  family  members  and  the  rate   of  poverty,  which
                                                               Finally, upon reaching advice that Dr. Heba would lik  e to present
           considers   their   connection   a   "cause   and   effect."   When   the
                                                               to   students   of   the   Faculty   of   Economics   and   Politic  al   Science,
           number   of   family   members   increases,   the   percentage   of
                                                               she  emphasized  the   necessity   of   defining   our  goals   and   working
           poverty   increases   with   it,   bearing   in   mind   that   providing
                                                               with   sincerity   and   dedication   to   fulfill   our   duties   t  owards
           family  planning   methods  are   not  the   best  and   only   solution  to
                                                               ourselves   and   towards   our   country,   and   to   avoid   the     tyranny   of
           this   problem.   For   example,   poverty   is   a   reason   why   many
                                                               the   material   side   on   our   lives,   in   addition   to   the   ne  cessity   of
           children are not educated, and as a result they grow up and do
                                                               taking   care   of   social   relations   and   avoiding   differ  ences   of
           not   find   suitable   job   opportunities,   and   thus   the   cycle   of
                                                               opinion   and   she   stressed   the   quality   of   sincerity   t  hat   always
           poverty  continues   in  society.  All  this  is   due   to  the  intellectual
                                                               characterizes   all   who   belong   to   the   Faculty   of   Econo  mics   and
           poverty of families who resort to having the largest number of
                                                               Political Science.
           children   in   order   to   send   them   to   the   labor   market.   Her
           supremacy   suggested   that   families   should   be   provided   with
           social and health insurance, in addition to creating family
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