









FEPS Economics Department launches " Contemporary Economic Perspectives"... more   ||   Launching of Dr. Abdel Malek Ouda Research Chair s Activities in African Studies... more   ||   CALL FOR PAPERS,The 35th Annual International Conference on Statistics and Modeling in Human and Social Sciences September 10-11, 2024... more   ||   FEPS Obtains International Accreditation... more   ||   Forced displacement and development challenges on the African continent... more   ||   Integrating the disabled and involving them in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)... more   ||   Symposium coverage: Youth and future challenges... more   ||   FEPS organized a symposium on the role of the Air Force in the October War... more   ||   The 23rd job fair expanding career horizons... more   ||   Golden and Silver jubilee celebrations for graduates of FEPS.... more   ||  

  Welcome Statement


Dear students; Sons and Daughters
May the peace, blessings, and mercy of God be upon you

I would like to congratulate you on joining the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, the jewel of the prestigious Cairo University. Our faculty started in the academic year 1960/1961, following the path of London School of Economics. Since then, the faculty has been a proven success story, as it is considered one of the most important faculties of social sciences, not only at the national level inside Egypt, but also at the regional and international level. 

The faculty’s vision is to be one of the best colleges in the fields of education, scientific research, and community service compared to its counterparts, and if its mission is to provide the latest educational, research, and community services, and its motto is commitment, excellence, and sophistication, then it is no wonder that college graduates hold the top notch positions; ministers, ambassadors, university professors, experts, directors of local and international organizations, and members of the press and media.

Dear students:

The college has obtained the following:

• Accreditation from the National Authority in 2011/2012, and was renewed in 2016/2017 and then in 2022/2023
 • It also obtained two Iso certificates, ISO 9001 for the year 2015 and 21001 for the year 2018....... more


ISO Certificates

FEPS obtains a renewal of its two ISO certificates ..

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The Scientific Seminar of the Department of Economics

Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin, will attend in the scientific seminar of the Department of Economics Read More

FEPS Obtains International Accreditation

FEPS extends its congratulations to all its members..

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Facts & Numbers

