مكتب رقم : 56
ساعات مكتبية : الاحد-الاربعاء
تليفون : 01274864721
عنوان المراسلة : كليه الاقتصاد-قسم الاحصاء
البريد الالكتروني : Zeinab.yousef@cu.edu.eg ; Zeinab.yousef@feps.edu.eg
السيـــرة الذاتـــيةتعــلــيم :
1. بكالوريوس الإحصاء بتقدير جيد جدا دفعة 1978
2. ماجستير الإحصاء بتقدير امتياز عام 1984
3. دكتوراه الفلسفة في الإحصاء بتقدير امتياز مع مرتبة الشرف الأولى1992.
اهتمامات بحثية :
1.بحوث العمليات
2.الاحصاء التطبيقي
اصــدارات :
1) A mathematical programming approach for Selection of Variables in Clusterwise Discriminant Analysis, the Egyptian Statistical Journal, Institute of Statistical studies and research, Cairo University,2011.
2)Estimating the Optimal Number of Patients of External Clinics, for a Private Hospital ,via Mathematical Programming ,International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science & Technology, (ijarcst),Vol 2 ,Ver.3,2014.
3)Using Multi-logistic Distribution and Stochastic Goal Programming for Estimating the Human Resources for Employment Strategy, the Egyptian Statistical Journal, Institute of Statistical studies and research, Cairo University,2015.
4) Estimating the optimal number of servers for an emergency department of a private hospital, via mathematical programming,International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies,India, (IJCSIT),2015.
Estimation of Lorenz, Schotz and Champernowne-Pareto Measures of income Inequality Relative to The poverty Gab-Ratio for Achieving Social Equality, the Egyptian Statistical Journal, Institute of Statistical studies and research, Cairo University,2014.
7) Manpower scheduling using goal programming , the Egyptian Statistical Journal, Institute of Statistical studies and research, Cairo University,2015.