مها زين العابدين الأشرم
مدرس متفرغ
البريد الالكتروني : Maha.elashram@feps.edu.eg - mashram@aucegypt.edu
السيـــرة الذاتـــيةتعــلــيم : Ph.D. in Statistics with first degree of honor from the Faculty of
Economics and Political Science
, Cairo University jointly with
College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska Lincoln(U.S.A.), 1996
اصــدارات : "A Proposed Goal Programming Model For Locating Literacy Classes
Proceedings of the 26th annual international conference on Statistics and Modeling in Human and Social Science, FEPS, Cairo University, Egypt, 2014.
"Towards an Optimal Allocation of the Fiscal Stimulus Package:
A Linear Goal Programming Approach" Proceedings of the 7th
international conference on Mathematics, Statistics and its Applications (ICMSA), Thailand, 2011.