هالة أبو بكر سعودي
أستاذ متفرغ
تليفون : .١٢٢٤١١٧٨٨٦ عنوان المراسلة : ١٢ شارع امين انيس ارض الجولف البريد الالكتروني : hala.seoudy@feps.edu.eg
للإطلاع على السيرة الذاتية ... اضغط هنا
تعــلــيم : المؤهلات العلمية:
بكالريوس علوم سياسية: كلية الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية ، جامعة القاهرة، 1973
ماجستير العلوم السياسية: كلية الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية، جامعة القاهرة، 1977
دكتوراه العلوم السياسية: كلية الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية، 1982 ، موضوع: "السياسة الأمريكية تجاه الصراع العربي الإسرائيلي 1967-1973" :
اهتمامات بحثية : العلاقات الدولية وتحليل السياسة الخارجية
اصــدارات : Publications:
Hala Seoudy, The American Policy Towards the Arab-Israeli Conflict 1967-1973.(Beirut : Center for Arab Unity),1983.
- (ed.),The New American Administration and the MiddleEast ( Cairo: Center for Political Research and Studies,Cairo University), 1993.
- (ed.),The Arab World and the USA.(Cairo: Institute for Arab Studies),1996.
Articles :
- “The American Policy and the Arab-Israeli Conflict after the October War”,The Arab Strategic Thought ( An Arabic quarterly published in Beirut), No. 10 January 1984 .
- “The Congress and the Arab- Israeli Conflict”, Al Seyasa Al Dawlyya ( An Arabic quarterly published in Cairo ),No. 78, October1984.
- “American-Saudi Relations: Aspects and Prospects ,” The Arab Future (An Arabic monthly journal published in Beirut) , June1985
- “Military Assistance and American Policy Towards Israel 1948-1984” Al Seyasa Dawlyya), No. 88 , April 1987.
- “American Policy Towards South Africa: Continuity and Change”, Al Seyasa Al Dawlyya , No. 90, October 1987.
- “ Foreign Policy Issues in 1987 Elections”, in Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, and Center for Political Studies, Cairo University(eds.), The Elections of the People’s Council 1987,Cairo, 1987.
- American Assistance and Egyptian Attitudes in Foreign Policy,(A Series of Political research published by the Center for Political Research and Studies, Cairo University ), No. 9 October 1988 .
- “Egyptian and American Voting Pattern in the UNGeneral Assembly : 1980 - 87”, in Ahmed Yousef (ed.), Egypt’s Foreign Policy in a Changing World ( Cairo : Center for Political Research and Studies, Cairo University), 1990.
- “ The US and the Arab World after the Gulf Crisis”, in the National Center for Middle East Studies (ed.), The Great Powers and the Arab System after the second Gulf Crisis (Cairo : The National Center for Middle East Studies ),1991.
- “Arab-American Organizations and Arab Issues”,The Arab Future, No.152, 1991.
- “Jordan’s Policy towards the Palestinian Problem 1978-1991 The ArabStrategic Thought (Beirut ),No. 40, April,1992.
- “ System Analysis in Political Studies in Egypt”, in Wadouda Badran(ed.),Scientific Approachs in Social Sciences, (Cairo: Center for Political Research and Studies, Cairo University), 1992.
- “ Turky and Iran and The Gulf Crisis”, in Ahmad El- Rashidy (ed.),International and Rejional impacts of the Gulf Crisis ( cairo: Center for Political Rasearch and Studies, Cairo University), 1992.
- “The American Elections and Foreign Policy”,in Hala Seoudy(ed.), The New American Administration andthe Middle East(Cairo : Center for Political Research and Studies , Cairo University ) ,1993.
-“The American Elections and the Arab-Israeli Conflict”, JIME Review (The Japanese Institute of Middle Eastern Economies ),No. 20 , Spring 1993 .( In English ) .
- “The Emerging Powers in the New World Order : Europe and Japan”, in Mohamed El Sayed Selim (ed.) , The New World Order , ( Cairo : Center for Political Research and Studies , Cairo University ) ,1994 .
- “Regional and International Environment for the Peace Talks”, in Mustafa Elwi (ed.) , Arab- Israeli Negotiations and the Prospects of Peace in the Middle East ( Cairo : Center for Political Research and Studies ,Cairo University ) ,1994 .
-“The EC ,USA and Japan”, in Wadouda Badran (ed.) ,Germany , The EC andEgypt (Cairo : Center for Political Research and Studies , Cairo University and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung ) , 1994 .( In English).
- “The USA and the United Nations”, in Gameel Matar and Ali El Din Helal (ed.), The United Nations After Fifty Years : The Necessity of Reform. AnArab View Point. ( Beirut :Center for Arab Unity ) , 1996 .An English translation is forthcoming in London .
- “The Arab World and the USA.: Opportunities and Constraints”, in
Hala Seoudy (ed.) , The Arab World and the USA. (Cairo:Institute for Arab Studies ) ,1996 .
- “Patron - Client State Relationships. Case Studies of US – Saudi Arabia and
Egypt’s Relationships”, Paper presented to the Conference Group on the Middle East, APSA, Atlanta, September 2-5 1999.
- Egyptian American Relations, Papers of The Egyptian Council For Foreign Affairs,March,2000.
- “American Policy And the Arab World after the second World War”, in Ahmad Yousef Ahmad and Mamdouh Hamza (ed.), The Industry of Hatred in the Arab- American Relations ( Cairo: Al Ahram Commercial Publishers), 2002.